Embodies A Way of Being that leads to Abundant Living.




Abundant Living is more than a lifestyle. It is a way of life. It is you practicing the Paisley Sage Way that cultivates and yields abundant life. As you commit to the process and practice consistently to BE STILL, BE TRUE, and BE WELL — this way of life becomes an intrinsic part of you and generates abundant life for you. The Paisley Sage Way is a deeply considered and principled way of life that is sustainable.




Wellness is a multi-dimensional state of well-being. The mental, physical, social, occupational, and financial aspects in a person's life play a big part in living well and his well-being. Choices and activities aimed at achieving mental readiness, physical robustness, social cohesion, purposeful occupation, financial stability, quality life, as well as, sustainability are factors that directly affect Abundant Living.

To attain overall positive well-being, begin by maintaining a healthy body and mind through proper eating and nutrition, healthful physical activity and habits, making responsible decisions about health and finances, and responding appropriately to physical and mental stressors.

The bottom line is to reduce health disparities, increase life span, attain balance, stability, and autonomy in all aspects, prioritize sustainability, and altogether live a long, healthy, fulfilling, and quality life.

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We have all experienced being rejected for being our authentic self at one time or another in life. As a result, we have tried to be what we are not to win approval. We have disowned and hidden parts of ourselves to belong and be accepted. And there were times when we think of ourselves as being one way, while we continue to do precisely the opposite.

To be true, we need to reconnect with the essence of who we really are, re-own all the disowned parts of ourselves, and allow our daily living to be an expression of our authentic self.

Begin to listen to the still small voice which you may have been dismissing. Peer long and deep into your soul. Take courage to accept, love, and embrace your authentic self (flaws and all), and your life's mission as revealed to you. Permit yourself to be who you really are and determine how to go about fulfilling your purpose. Unleash your creative intelligence and begin to envision and create a life in which you can live as your authentic self. Be brave and implement it, because only by living as your authentic self and carrying out your life's mission would you find true meaning in life and be wholly satisfied. Seek out like-minded people who see the world like your authentic self does and who appreciate you for who you really are. As you live out your truth each day, you will attract the right people and happenings to you. Engage and cultivate deep connection and meaningful relationships with your authentic self and your newfound community.  Choose to continue to live with authenticity all through life. There will only ever be the one YOU in the world. You will find that the more you know who you truly are, the less you want to be who you were before.

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Our thoughts and beliefs affect our emotions, which influence our actions. Our actions constitute our behaviors, which, over time, become our habits and way of life. Since external action is the result of internal reality, and the outcomes of life is the product of activities, then all the more we need to care for and strengthen our inner being and be intentional at directing our thoughts, forming our beliefs, and managing our emotions if we want specific outcomes in life, such as abundant life.

Being still is the deliberate positioning of self—a conscious slowing down and getting still to tune in to the Spirit for wisdom and guidance. At times, that means being steadfast and taking an unwavering stance. It is not inactivity though, because therein lies a rhythm that flows from seclusion to engagement, restoration to practice, hidden away in the Spirit to active living in the world.

Begin by adopting a pattern of seeking time alone to tune in to the Spirit and receive renewal through prayer and meditation so you will have the inner strength and perspective to deal with the stifling demands of life and live daily with character and composure. It is during these quiet times in your practice that you gain the inner resources to live well and create the abundant life intended for you.

Rise above the noise and distraction, tune in to the gentle voice of the Spirit, and let your life moves in sync with the sweet rhythm of Grace. Cultivate a rich inner life that would withstand and overcome life’s challenges.

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We all have an inherent need for security, significance, and satisfaction. It is what primarily drives us to hustle. We live by a busyness that is derived from the way we define ourselves. We establish who we are mainly by what we do in terms of achievements and accomplishments. However, what we do should flow out of who we are, not vice versa. If we allow achievements and accomplishments to dictate our worth and identity, then when we stop performing, we cease to be valuable, and our life loses meaning.

Remember, you are not the work you do, you are the person you are. Therefore, let being precede doing. The order it is performed is the determinant. As being and doing are interconnected, being should also be accompanied by doing. The two cannot be detached. Being is the real life that energise the doing, which is the reflected life. May being and doing form a balanced interplay in your life and practice today.

"nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." — lao tzu



As we embark on this journey, understand that Abundant Living is a daily practice. It is a PROCESS you observe to produce abundant life, which is the OUTCOME you desire to achieve.

Life, in all its ups and downs, revolves around choice and our ability to make such choices. We cannot control what life throws at us, but we definitely can control our response to it. The wise thing we can do all throughout life is to focus on the things we can control that will set us up for long term success.

Besides choice, we have control over process too. Where Abundant Living is a choice you choose to practice all through life, so is your daily practice which is a process that is entirely in your control.

Choose to live by the Paisley Sage Way. Choose to commit to and trust in the process. Respect your practice. Stick with it for long enough, and you will see a change in your emotional latitude and physical life. You will experience the fullness of peace, joy, and gladness in your daily living like never before and have the physical robustness to create the material abundance you desire. Celebrate every time you follow the process. Know that every day you practice Abundant Living is a successful day. Each step you take towards cultivating abundant life adds up to the whole. Also, there is nothing more valuable than all the knowledge and experience you gain along the way and sharing them with your fellow Paisley Sages. Be patient. Your persistence and consistent practice will produce for you a bountiful harvest of abundant life in time.

If all these seem too overwhelming for a start, you can break down your practice into small parts and progress slowly. For example, you can first start with Be True—Authentic Living to uncover your authentic self and purpose. Then when you are comfortable and feel ready to proceed on, add Be Still—Simple Living to the mix and begin simplifying your life. When you feel you want to belong to a broader community of like-minded individuals, add Be True—Community Living to your practice. Or you can skip everything and jump straight to the recipes and start cooking and eating your way to brilliant health with Be Well—Healthy Living. There are no hard and fast rules. Take what you learn here and adjust it to make it work for you. You can be flexible and work out what you want to practice and how to proceed, all at your own pace. After all, it is your practice. You control your process and determine your outcomes.

Remember, if I can do it, so can you. Let’s practice Abundant Living and do this abundant life together, so you can be nourished and supported by nurturing relationships on this exciting and rewarding journey. Become this authentic and genuinely-engaged Community now. 


Begin Here


Be kind to yourself on the journey, you’re still becoming.